Data Ethics and Legal Issues
A course on Data Ethics and Legal Issues as part of the Masters in Data Science or Digital Humanities.

The University of Vienna offers different Masters', including in Data Science and Digital Humanities. The two programmes share in their 2nd years the course in Data Ethics and Legal Issues.
The Masters' are held in English and/or German. Please. For more information, we invite you to check directly with your program of interest.
To learn more about the course, see their respective Master Curricula, Data Science and Digital Humanities or contact the University.
More about the Master in Data Science:
The goal of the Master's programme in Data Science at the University of Vienna is to provide a practically oriented and scientifically sound education in the field of modern data science. Data Science is an essential driving force in today's digital world. Nowadays, large amounts of data are collected and generated in almost all areas of the economy. Recently, data-driven methods have also found their way into various parts of the natural and human sciences. The task of data science is to gain knowledge from ever larger amounts of data, which represents added value for the respective area. This requires not only the development of efficient algorithms, but also a basic understanding of the interpretability and reliability of the results. This requires diverse and interdisciplinary skills, which includes the practical handling of large amounts of data, a solid mathematical and statistical foundation, as well as knowledge in the respective area of application. In addition, the rapid developments in data science raise ethical and legal questions. The Data Science Master's programme at the University of Vienna comprehensively reflects all these core skills, emphasizes the interdisciplinary and heterogeneous character of Data Science and places it above a specialisation in individual areas.
More about the Master in Digital Humanities:
Digitisation is a sustainable formative factor in many areas of science and society. The solution to the technical problems arising from digitization and the scientific reaction to the consequences of digitization represent a central task of cultural studies and will open up numerous new professional fields. The programme is aimed to students with a bachelors degree offered by the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies and the Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies.
The aim of the Master's degree programme in Digital Humanities (DH) at the University of Vienna is to train students who will make a significant contribution to the promotion and anchoring of computer-based methods in humanities research contexts. In addition to the widespread understanding of the DH as a collective term for diverse digital processes for the processing and evaluation of text, image and other data, the DH are not only seen as a means of increasing the efficiency of IT in the humanities, but also as an auxiliary science. Rather, the focus is on the development of new possibilities of knowledge. Not only the methods, but also the consequences and perspectives of DH practice are subjected to critical reflection. Theory formation is supported, and thus also the development of the DH to a transdisciplinary, independent scientific discourse.
Students of cultural studies subjects are offered an extension of competences in the techniques and methods of the DH. The close cooperation with the Master's programmes Data Science and Business Analytics is unique, whereby not only technical but also ethical, legal and scientific theoretical contents are taught together. Students complete their studies with a master's thesis that deals with a problem or area of application of the DH in an exemplary or theoretical way.