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24 May, 2024
Research Education

AI Researchers Invited to Participate in Key Study

AI researchers are invited to participate in a new study aimed at identifying and addressing challenges in the field. The study seeks to enhance AI research and innovation in Europe through targeted solutions and support services.


Shape the future of AI

AI researchers have been called to contribute to a significant new study designed to pinpoint and tackle the challenges within the AI field. The study is being spearheaded by the AI-on-Demand (AIoD) platform, a community-driven initiative dedicated to improving AI research and innovation in Europe.

The AIoD platform emphasizes the importance of understanding the needs and obstacles faced by researchers to develop tailored solutions and support services. This initiative aims to enhance the overall impact and success of AI research across the continent.

Researchers are encouraged to participate in a brief questionnaire, which is expected to take no more than 10 minutes to complete. The survey will help:

  • Assess the severity of challenges faced by AI researchers.
  • Initiate a constructive dialogue to address these challenges.
  • Foster collaboration on solutions through the AIoD platform.

The participation in this study is anonymous, ensuring that researchers can freely share their insights and experiences. The collected data will be instrumental in shaping the future landscape of AI research by providing a clearer understanding of the issues that need to be addressed.

Researchers interested in contributing to this vital study can access the questionnaire via the following link: AI Research Challenges Questionnaire.


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