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24 April, 2024

Practical Seminars Introduce Key Services of the AIoD Platform to European AI communities

A series of online seminars will bring European Artificial Intelligence (AI) communities up to date with key services of the AI-on-Demand (AIoD) Platform, a community-driven channel designed to empower European research and innovation in AI while ensuring the European seal of quality, trustworthiness and explainability.


Seminar Event Image

From April to June 2024, three online seminars hosted by VISION in collaboration with AI4Europe will present the latest services and functionalities offered by the AIoD Platform to the members of the European networks of excellence and beyond.


The first seminar will be on the 30th of April targeting academic and industry innovators, researchers, developers and AI enthusiasts. The second seminar will be on the 31st of May for a general audience who are curious and excited about the work in progress of the AIoD and what it can and could enable EU AI Ecosystems. The last seminar will be in June.


The seminars will provide potential users with an overview of AI4Europe, the AIoD Platform of the 2024 early release and the ways forward for the Platform in the coming months.


Researchers, innovators, policymakers, industries, scientists, professionals and AI enthusiasts will have chances to learn about huge collections of data sets, models and other services that support research activities, AI development and applications that they may want to implement. The Platform also functions as a venue or channel for them to share or promote their research and development outcomes and impacts.


The development experts of the Platform will also present experiments and integration tools to potential users in accessing data sets, machine learning models and universal adaptors that help create and build AI tools or solutions less challenging and more toward standardized practices.


These seminars are suited for early adopters and AI enthusiasts who also wish to provide the Platform developers with their insights on demands, practical approaches and wishes for the Platform, which has plans to grow and to be useful to the EU AI ecosystem in the coming years.


Registration to the 1st seminar:

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Apr 30, 2024, 9:30 AM CEST or 08:30 AM Dublin 
Topic: The Potential of the AIoD Platform for Academic & Industry Innovators & Researchers
Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

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